Welcome to one of the world's biggest news and factual footage libraries online!

Using Journeyman Footage to find and licence footage is easy.

1. Browse and select clips
2. Download lo-res .mov clips for your offline edit
3. Get a quote for your footage
4. Arrange your license and pay
5. Receive high-res master footage

Try a free account here to manage multiple bins and download footage.

How It Works

Welcome to one of the world's biggest news and factual footage libraries online.

Using Journeyman Footage to find and licence footage is easy!

1. Browse and select clips
2. Download lo-res .mov clips for your offline edit
3. Get a quote for your footage and usage
4. Pay online and receive high-res master footage

To manage multiple bins, download, or to request a bespoke search Try a free account here!

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